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Keyifli çalışmalar dileriz …

Subject: Inquiry Regarding Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution in Turkish Insurance Law

Dear [Turkish Lawyer Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am a lawyer based in [Your Country]. I am writing to you today on behalf of a client who is involved in a potential insurance dispute with a Turkish insurance company.

My client, [Client Name], is a [Client Description] and holds a [Insurance Type] policy issued by [Turkish Insurance Company Name]. A recent event has resulted in a claim being submitted to the insurer, however, there are some uncertainties regarding jurisdiction and dispute resolution options under Turkish law.

Specifically, I would be grateful if you could provide your expert opinion on the following:

  1. Governing Law: The insurance policy itself is silent on the matter of governing law. Given that my client is not a resident of Turkey, would Turkish law still apply to the dispute? Are there any exceptions to the general rule that Turkish law applies to insurance policies covering risks within Turkish borders?
  2. Choice of Law for Reinsurance Contracts: If the Turkish insurer has reinsured the risk, what law would govern the reinsurance contract? Does my client, as the policyholder, have any recourse against the reinsurer if the Turkish insurer fails to meet its obligations?
  3. Dispute Resolution Options: We understand that mandatory mediation is a prerequisite for initiating court litigation in Turkey. Is arbitration through the Insurance Arbitration Commission a viable alternative for resolving disputes with Turkish insurers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option compared to traditional court proceedings?

Your insights on these matters would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know your hourly rate or fee structure for providing such a legal opinion.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Subject: Re: Inquiry Regarding Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution in Turkish Insurance Law

Dear [Foreign Lawyer Name],

Thank you for your email and for reaching out to me regarding your client’s potential insurance dispute with a Turkish insurance company. I have reviewed the details you provided and can offer the following insights based on Turkish law:

1. Governing Law:

  • In principle, Turkish law applies to insurance policies covering risks within Turkish borders, even if the policyholder is not a resident of Turkey. However, exceptions exist for specific types of insurance, such as transportation insurance for import and export goods.
  • If the insurance policy is silent on the matter of governing law, Turkish courts will likely apply the aforementioned general rule. It would be prudent to review the specific policy wording to confirm the absence of a governing law clause.

2. Choice of Law for Reinsurance Contracts:

  • Unlike insurance contracts, parties to a reinsurance contract have the freedom to choose a governing law, provided the contract has a “foreign element,” meaning it connects to at least two legal systems.
  • In this scenario, the Turkish insurer and reinsurer could potentially choose a foreign law to govern their reinsurance contract, excluding Turkish law.
  • Unfortunately, your client, as the policyholder, has no direct recourse against the reinsurer under Turkish law. The reinsurance contract is a separate agreement solely binding the insurer and reinsurer.

3. Dispute Resolution Options:

  • You are correct that mandatory mediation is a prerequisite for initiating court litigation in most commercial disputes, including insurance disputes. This aims to encourage out-of-court settlements and reduce court backlogs.
  • Arbitration through the Insurance Arbitration Commission is indeed a viable alternative to court proceedings. It is a faster and often less expensive option with a high success rate in resolving insurance disputes. In 2022, 72% of insurance disputes were settled through ADR methods like the Insurance Arbitration Commission.

Advantages of Arbitration:

  • Faster resolution compared to court litigation.
  • Potentially lower costs than court proceedings.
  • Expertise of arbitrators specializing in insurance matters.
  • Confidentiality of the arbitration process.

Disadvantages of Arbitration:

  • Limited appeal rights compared to court judgments.
  • Binding decision by the arbitrators.

Court Litigation:

  • While slower and potentially more expensive, court proceedings offer a wider scope for appeal.
  • Public record of the case, which may be relevant depending on the specific circumstances.


I would recommend exploring the possibility of mediation first. If mediation fails, then arbitration through the Insurance Arbitration Commission could be a suitable option for your client due to its efficiency and expertise in insurance disputes. However, the final decision should be based on your client’s specific needs and priorities.


My hourly rate for legal consultations is [Your Hourly Rate]. Alternatively, we can discuss a fixed fee for providing a comprehensive legal opinion on the specific details of your client’s case.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if needed.

Best Regards

  • Foreign Lawyer (yabancı avukat)
  • Potential Insurance Dispute (olası sigorta ihtilafı)
  • Governing Law (yönetim hukuku)
  • General Rule (genel kural)
  • Exceptions to the Rule (kuralın istisnaları)
  • Choice of Law Clause (yasaya tabi olma maddesi)
  • Foreign Element (yabancı unsur)
  • Reinsurance Contract (reasürans sözleşmesi)
  • Direct Recourse (doğrudan başvuru)
  • Mandatory Mediation (zorunlu arabuluculuk)
  • Out-of-Court Settlement (mahkeme dışı çözüm)
  • High Success Rate (yüksek başarı oranı)
  • Limited Appeal Rights (sınırlı temyiz hakkı)
  • Binding Decision (bağlayıcı karar)
  • Wider Scope for Appeal (daha geniş temyiz imkanı)
  • Public Record (kamu kaydı)
  • Comprehensive Legal Opinion (kapsamlı hukuki görüş)
  • Hourly Rate (saatlik ücret)
  • Fixed Fee (sabit ücret)

Additional Legal and Advanced Words:

  • Indemnify (tazmin etmek) – To compensate someone financially for a loss.
  • Premium (prim) – The payment made by a policyholder to an insurer for coverage.
  • Resident (ikamet eden) – Someone who lives in a particular place.
  • Exclusively Limited (münhasıran sınırlı) – Restricted solely to something specific.
  • Financial Leasing (finansal kiralama) – A long-term lease with an option to purchase at the end.
  • Reinsure (reasürans yapmak) – To insure part of a risk with another insurer.
  • Bilateral Agreement (ikili anlaşma) – An agreement between two countries.
  • Reciprocity (karşılıklılık) – The mutual exchange of something.
  • Excessive Jurisdiction (aşırı yetki) – When a court claims authority beyond its legal scope.
  • Public Order (kamu düzeni) – The principles of order and safety in a society.
  • Mandatory (zorunlu) – Required by law.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (alternatif uyuşmazlık çözümü) – Methods for resolving disputes outside of court.
  • Notice of Claim (tazminat talebi bildirimi) – Formal notification of an insurance claim.
  • Indemnity Obligation (tazminat yükümlülüğü) – The legal duty to compensate someone for a loss.
  • Claim Review (tazminat talebi incelemesi) – The process of evaluating an insurance claim.
  • Default (temerrüt) – Failure to fulfill a legal obligation.
  • Limitation Period (zamanaşımı süresi) – The time limit for filing a legal claim.
  • Tortuous Act (haksız fiil) – A wrongful act that results in harm.

Instructions: Choose the best answer that matches the definition or description for each term.

  1. This refers to someone who lives in a particular place for a legal or administrative purpose. (Resident / Indemnify)
  2. This is a financial agreement where someone pays a regular amount to receive compensation for a loss. (Premium / Reinsurance Contract)
  3. This legal term describes a situation where a court claims authority beyond its legal boundaries. (Public Order / Excessive Jurisdiction)
  4. In the context of insurance, this refers to the formal notification submitted when making a claim. (Mandatory Mediation / Notice of Claim)
  5. This is a legal principle ensuring fairness by requiring similar treatment from both parties involved. (Bilateral Agreement / Reciprocity)
  6. This financial term describes the payment made by a policyholder to an insurer for coverage. (Premium / Fixed Fee)
  7. This legal concept refers to the established principles that maintain order and safety within a society. (Public Record / Public Order)
  8. This describes a situation where a risk is partially insured with another insurer to spread the liability. (Reinsure / Indemnify)
  9. This is the legal obligation to compensate someone financially for a loss they have suffered. (Indemnity Obligation / Default)
  10. This refers to a long-term lease agreement with the option to purchase the leased item at the end. (Financial Leasing / Mandatory Mediation)

Challenge Round (10 Questions)

  1. This term describes a legal agreement that explicitly outlines the governing law for a contract. (Choice of Law Clause / Hourly Rate)
  2. This is the process by which an insurance company evaluates the validity of a submitted claim. (Claim Review / Alternative Dispute Resolution)
  3. This is a legal concept referring to the time limit within which a lawsuit can be filed. (Limitation Period / Tortuous Act)
  4. This describes a situation where someone fails to fulfill a legal obligation they are bound to. (Default / Public Record)
  5. This is a method for resolving disputes outside of the traditional court system. (Alternative Dispute Resolution / Fixed Fee)
  6. This legal term describes a wrongful act that results in harm to another person or entity. (Tortuous Act / Public Order)
  7. This refers to a legal dispute that may involve disagreements over rights or obligations. (Potential Insurance Dispute / Public Record)
  8. This describes a situation where exceptions exist to a generally applied rule. (Exceptions to the Rule / Governing Law)
  9. In the context of insurance disputes, this mandatory process requires an attempt at settlement before court proceedings. (Mandatory Mediation / Choice of Law Clause)
  10. This describes a legal opinion that is comprehensive and covers all relevant aspects of a case. (Comprehensive Legal Opinion / Hourly Rate)


  1. Resident
  2. Premium
  3. Excessive Jurisdiction
  4. Notice of Claim
  5. Reciprocity
  6. Premium
  7. Public Order
  8. Reinsure
  9. Indemnity Obligation
  10. Financial Leasing

Challenge Round:

  1. Choice of Law Clause
  2. Claim Review
  3. Limitation Period
  4. Default
  5. Alternative Dispute Resolution
  6. Tortuous Act
  7. Potential Insurance Dispute
  8. Exceptions to the Rule
  9. Mandatory Mediation
  10. Comprehensive Legal Opinion



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