Sözleşme Hukuku kapsamında örnek bir diyalog bu yazımızda sizi bekliyor. Devamında metinde geçen Hukuk İngilizcesi terimleri ile B2, C1 seviyesindeki İngilizce kelime listesini ile mini bir alıştırmayı da sizlerin istifadesine sunmuş bulunuyoruz.

Keyifli Okumalar dileriz !

Lawyer Ali: Good morning, Jim. I wanted to discuss the contract for the sale of our clients’ cars. I have prepared a draft agreement that I think covers all the necessary terms and conditions.

Lawyer Jim: Good morning, Ali. That sounds great. I’m glad you’ve taken the initiative. I’ll be happy to review the draft agreement with you. Let’s make sure we include all the essential legal elements to ensure a valid contract.

Lawyer Ali: Absolutely. First, we need to identify the parties involved. Our clients are the sellers, and the buyers are the potential purchasers. We should include their full names and addresses to avoid any confusion.

Lawyer Jim: Agreed. We should also specify the subject matter of the contract, which is the cars being sold. It would be helpful to include detailed descriptions of the vehicles, such as make, model, year, VIN number, and any other relevant identification information.

Lawyer Ali: Yes, including those details will provide clarity and prevent any misunderstandings. Next, we need to establish the terms and conditions of the sale. This includes the purchase price, payment method, and any applicable taxes or fees.

Lawyer Jim: Absolutely. We should also address the delivery of the cars. Will the sellers deliver the vehicles to the buyers, or will the buyers be responsible for pickup? We should specify the location and timeframe for delivery as well.

Lawyer Ali: Good point. We should also consider warranties. Will the cars be sold “as is,” or do the sellers provide any guarantees or representations about the condition of the vehicles? We should outline the warranties or disclaimers to avoid future disputes.

Lawyer Jim: That’s crucial. Additionally, we should include provisions for inspections. Buyers may want to have independent inspections conducted before finalizing the purchase. We can establish a reasonable time frame for inspections and outline the procedure for resolving any issues that may arise.

Lawyer Ali: Yes, that’s a good idea. We should also discuss the transfer of ownership and title. The sellers must provide clear and marketable titles to the buyers, free from any liens or encumbrances. We may need to address the steps required to transfer the title properly.

Lawyer Jim: Absolutely. And let’s not forget about the risk of loss. We should specify when the risk passes from the sellers to the buyers. This will determine who bears responsibility if any damage occurs during transportation or before the completion of the sale.

Lawyer Ali: Agreed. Finally, we need to address the terms of acceptance. How will the buyers indicate their acceptance of the contract? Will a signed copy or a verbal agreement be sufficient?

Lawyer Jim: Good point, Ali. We should specify that acceptance must be in writing and signed by both parties to avoid any ambiguity. This will help ensure the enforceability of the contract.

Lawyer Ali: Excellent. I think we’ve covered all the essential elements. I’ll incorporate these provisions into the final draft and share it with you for your review. Once we are both satisfied, we can present it to our clients for their consideration and signature.

Lawyer Jim: Perfect, Ali. I appreciate your attention to detail. Let’s make sure we have a comprehensive and legally sound contract that protects the interests of our clients. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there are any additional provisions we should consider.

Lawyer Ali: Absolutely, Jim. I value your input, and I’ll keep you updated on any changes or developments. Together, we can ensure a smooth and successful transaction for our clients.

Here are the key legal terms from the dialogue, along with their Turkish equivalents:

  1. Contract – Sözleşme
  2. Sellers – Satıcılar
  3. Buyers – Alıcılar
  4. Subject matter – Sözleşme konusu
  5. Purchase price – Satın alma bedeli
  6. Payment method – Ödeme yöntemi
  7. Taxes – Vergiler
  8. Fees – Ücretler
  9. Delivery – Teslimat
  10. Cars – Arabalar
  11. Warranties – Garantiler
  12. Representations – Temsil ve taahhütler
  13. Disclaimers – Feragatler
  14. Inspections – İncelemeler
  15. Ownership – Mülkiyet
  16. Title – Tapu veya ruhsat
  17. Transfer – Devir, temlik
  18. Risk of loss – Zarar riski
  19. Damage – Hasar
  20. Acceptance – Kabul
  21. Signed – İmzalı
  22. Verbal agreement – Sözlü anlaşma
  23. Enforceability – Uygulanabilirlik
  24. Consideration – sözleşmeye konu sebep
  25. Signature – İmza

Here are some key vocabulary words at the B2 or C1 level, along with their Turkish equivalents:

  1. Comprehensive – Kapsamlı
  2. Draft – Taslak
  3. Valid – Geçerli
  4. Elements – Unsurlar
  5. Clarity – Netlik
  6. Misunderstandings – Yanlış anlamalar
  7. Descriptions – Tanımlar
  8. Relevant – İlgili
  9. Identification – Tanımlama
  10. Terms and conditions – Şartlar ve koşullar
  11. Purchase – Satın alma
  12. Applicable – Uygulanabilir
  13. Taxes – Vergiler
  14. Fees – Ücretler
  15. Delivery – Teslimat
  16. Warranty – Garanti
  17. Representation – Temsil
  18. Dispute – Anlaşmazlık
  19. Inspection – İnceleme
  20. Procedure – Prosedür
  21. Resolve – Çözmek
  22. Ownership – Sahiplik
  23. Title – Unvan
  24. Liens – Rehinler
  25. Encumbrances – Yükümlülükler
  26. Risk – Risk
  27. Loss – Kayıp
  28. Enforceability – Uygulanabilirlik
  29. Provision – Hüküm
  30. Signature – İmza

Here’s a sentence exercise using the vocabulary from the previous lists. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

  1. The __________ contract included detailed __________ of the property being sold.
  2. The buyer and seller agreed on the __________ and __________ of the sale.
  3. The seller provided __________ and __________ about the condition of the product.
  4. The __________ of the contract were clearly outlined to avoid any __________.
  5. The __________ were responsible for conducting __________ of the property before finalizing the purchase.
  6. The __________ of ownership and __________ were smoothly transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  7. The __________ of loss shifted to the buyer once the product was delivered.
  8. The written __________ signed by both parties ensured the __________ of the contract.
  9. The __________ took into consideration the __________ of the buyers and sellers.
  10. The __________ of the contract played a crucial role in determining the __________ of the parties involved.


  1. comprehensive, descriptions
  2. terms, conditions
  3. warranties, representations
  4. provisions, misunderstandings
  5. buyers, inspections
  6. transfer, title
  7. risk, loss
  8. signature, enforceability
  9. consideration, interests
  10. elements, rights




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